The first Pokemon Go birthday can become LEGENDARY!
Author: Lenaj, Cybersnake - 23rd May 2017 06:27 pm GMT

Hello trainers!
We used to play our favorite game and didn’t even notice how much time has gone since the moment when Pokemon Go was released. If you remember, the first game version launched on July 6, and since then it has never dropped out of the top 20 highest grossing apps this whole time. The jubilee date is coming soon, and of course, we expect that Niantic is preparing something really cool for us.
Obviously, gamers have a good reason to expect some impressive event. Recently the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences held their 21st annual Webby Awards, where Pokemon Go picked up five awards including "Best Mobile Game”. While accepting the awards, Niantic's global marketing product lead Archit Bhargava declared: "This summer will be legendary."
We think these words are not just an accident, same as with “Save your candies!”, an advice given to us by another Niantic employee at the D.I.C.E summit. It seems that being a global marketing product lead, Archit Bhargava intended the exact meaning in his words. We think that it was a clear hint that legendary pokemons will hit the stage this summer.
Earlier John Hanke already mentioned that a huge event is expected in the near future, so we think it would be a good decision to combine Niantic’s birthday date with Legendary pokemons. Wouldn't that be just awesome?
There are many suggestions on how Niantic could present Legendary pokemons. Some sources consider that Niantic could release one legendary per week all throughout the summer. It would make the event more exciting and it would let gamers be engaged during the whole event.
It can also be assumed that the gym battle system will also have to change after legendaries are introduced, since they have very high stats, it’s evident that they will dominate the gyms. Would you battle a gym if there were 10 Ho-ohs or Mewtwos in it? This is why there is a suggestion that pokemon species limitation could be implemented in the future, for example only one pokemon of the same species is allowed, this would also improve gym variation by a lot!
For now, it is a good idea to return to our “Adventure Week celebration” and take advantage of it. We will remind you, that the rock type event is active till May 25, 2017. So, let's enjoy it while preparing for the hot legendary summer!
We wish you happy hunting and of course, don’t forget to say hello on our Facebook and Twitter ;)