Gyms closing: when after all?
Author: Lenaj, Cybersnake - 17th Jun 2017 10:36 pm GMT

More than a week ago Niantic officially reported about the Gym rework that is coming soon, though it hadn’t published the concrete date when it was supposed to happen. Some information channels announced that gym closing should start on 16 June. Later we realized that info was untrue.
17 June on its Twitter channel Niantic announced that huge gym rework will start at 19 June. Not on 16 June as many of us thought. Anyway, prepare that your pokemons will be returned to you if you kept them in gyms.
Pokemon Go players cherish the hope that the future Gym rework would eliminate the flaws of the current gym system. According to our quick research, these are the most common gamer’s inquiries about how the new gyms should look after the changes:
- Make gym rankings not depending of CP. it only makes high CP Pokemon desirable for defending. This should bring about a bit more variety in Pokemon that people choose to train up
- We need MORE gyms
- A limit on Pokemon types (e.g. Maximum one Dragon, only Water/Grass/Fire, etc., or all bug types have a 1.5 CP multiplier in this gym)
- More Pokemon need to be viable in gyms
Of course, huge amounts of trainers consider that spoofing is the biggest evil that bothers conscientious people playing in the gyms. We believe that Niantic will not remain indifferent to people’s aspirations and will eradicate this problem in course of time.
While we have to wait for these widescale changes, let’s discuss the best Gym rework ideas on out Facebook and Twitter!